Monthly Archives: August 2018

Aug 29

WEBINAR 2: Improving Your Self Test

By Richard Sarell | Acting Classes & Workshops

WEBINAR 2:  Improving Your Self Test            The Recording


Sat 29 August


1.5 hrs


11am – 12.30pm


Richard Sarell



5 star rating

90 minute WEBINAR REPLAY$10

IMPORTANT:  When you are enrolled make sure you download the scripts. That way you can do all the exercises and compare your choices to the participating actors.  MAKE THE MOST OF THIS UNIQUE LEARNING EXPERIENCE.

DID YOU DO WELL IN YOUR LAST SELF TEST AUDITION?68% of actors create unlikeable characters50% of actors create antagonist charactersTHOSE WERE THE FINDINGS THAT RESULTED FROM OUR FIRST SELF TEST AUDITION WORKSHOP.If your audience doesn’t like your character why would they want to watch your story!!If you create unlikeable characters why would a Casting Director cast you!!

What makes a character unlikeable?How do you create a likeable one?That’s what we explore in WEBINAR 2.           VIEW HERE

In our first ‘eye-popping’ Webinar “ANATOMY OF A SELF TEST AUDITION” we saw that 68% of actors fell into a basic self test trap.  If you don’t know what the trap is  … you will  fall into it, too!!! 

ENROL NOW – DON’T DELAYMake sure your name is on the enrolment list because on Wednesday 22 August at 6pm SIX ACTORS WILL BE RANDOMLY CHOSEN from the list to be the ones to demonstrate the new techniques we are going to explore.Enter your text here…

TESTING OUT THE REMEDIESEvery problem needs a remedy.  Now that we know what the problem is, in Webinar 2 we will test out remedies.  That’s what The Rehearsal Room does best –  we find fabulously practical techniques that are really effective at lifting the quality of a performance.HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS …

  • ON SATURDAY (in Webinar 1) we discovered a significant SELF TEST TRAP for actors and began suggesting remedies.
  • ON SUNDAY in our Drop In Session one actor tested out a remedy she had worked out. The result … huge improvements in the performance outcomes.  She got a lot better.
  • ON TUESDAY in an evening class another actor tried his remedy for the problem. The result … huge improvements in performance outcomes.  He got a lot better.
  • ON SATURDAY, in Webinar 2 you can be part of the next level of testing of these exciting concepts.  ENROL NOW.

MAKING BETTER DECISIONS:  In Webinar 2 actors will apply OUR BRAND NEW TECHNIQUES to test out how it works in a practical sense.  Already actors are applying this technique of their own volition and finding that it works.

READY TO ENROL NOW CLICK HEREGet 50% discount with the Bring-a-Friend ticket when you book


What you will learn in this session?

1) Whether the techniques work or not

Techniques that were developed as an exercise for the last Webinar appear to have a really practical application.  In this webinar six actors will test their actual effectiveness

2) The value of these techniques will be revealed

You will be able to assess the effectiveness of these techniques yourself and contribute to debate about how to change and improve them.  Their value will be judged by you..

3) How different actors applying the same parameters reach different results

This will be a greenhouse for the development and growth of our seedling concepts.  Your ideas can contribute the fertilizer to encourage the growth.

4) Actors will grow their understanding of how to improve their choices

By changing the choices and measuring the outcomes actor will learn to be more flexible and creative.  They will be gain a new confidence when taking direction.

5) Directors will discover how best to manipulate an actor’s mind

Different actors respond differently to the same suggestion.  A variety of directing techniques will be explored.


  • Clear and logical explanations work for you
  • Webinar 1 was exciting and very stimulating for you
  • You love being involved with the development of new ideas
  • Understanding more about the actors skill is your passion
  • Feel you often fall into the same traps
  • Often aren’t clear about your choices so you just wing it.


  • rather than being relaxed, flexible and confident you will be stressed
  • you wont have a professional understanding of the audition process
  • confusing choices will be hard to resolve
  • your audition will be the same as everyone else’s
  • rigidity in your choices will be the norm
  • the same mistakes will continue to occur


Over his twenty-five year directing career Richard found that many actors he auditioned didn’t actually listen in auditions.  He realised that it took many years of experience for actors to come to terms with and understand the audition process.

Having a practical understanding of what the actor’s job is when auditioning is a massive help in enabling an actor to audition well.  Self test have added a whole new layer of complications.  Plus there are many myths about auditions and many confusions about what Casting Directors and directors are looking for.

Richard continues to analyze actors choices to define which ones are productive so that the actors he trains are equipped to make pro-active choices.  Because our minds all work in the same way understanding actor’s, like any of us, can make choices without knowing that they have made them.  Richard’s aim is to put the actor in charge of their choices.

Saturday 29 August11:00am to 12:30pm

Learn skills you will use throughout your career.