Acting Work Out – Drop Ins

By Richard Sarell | Acting Classes & Workshops

Feb 10

‘Drop-In’ Wednesdays & Sundays Online


Wednesday 2021Sunday 2021


Ongoing Weekly


10am to 12 noon (Wed)2pm to 5pm (Sun)


Richard Sarell


$25 session

CLICK ON THE APPROPRIATE BUTTON 15 MINUTES BEFORE A SESSION STARTS OR ANY TIME DURING A LESSON. (That will take you straight to the ‘Waiting Room’ – if you aren’t admitted quickly, text Richard on 0407 226620)

TRY IT OUT – your first session is FREE.

The ultimate ‘Drop-In Workshop”.  You can DROP-IN and do a scene or just DROP-IN and watch (for free).

These online Zoom sessions are a great way to keep exercising your acting muscles. Bring a scene, grab a partner and get working.

Pay per session:

The fees are $25 per session.  You can or direct bank deposit to …    BSB:   033 059     Acc:  338111

Save $40 and purchase any eight sessions for $160

Join​ “The Rehearsal Room Drop In Wednesdays & Sundays” Facebook Group. 

IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO CHOOSE A SCENE PARTNER AND A SCENE TO WORK ON IN ADVANCE … Email any questions to or ring 0407 226620

Glenn Quinn Mama Mia, Spamelot, Jersey Boys [lead]

I was able to quickly overcome my long held misconceptions about what acting is and was ushered into a place of freedom, spontaneity and freedom with the scene.

How this session works?

1) A good way use the session is to organize a scene partner in advance

That way you can be learnt for the Drop In session on Wednesday.  Post a request on The Rehearsal Room Drop In WEDNESDAYS & SUNDAYS Facebook Group and see who might join you.    OR INVITE A FRIEND.

2) If you don’t have a scene partner DROP IN ANYWAY.

You might find a scene partner on the day.  Have a scene on standby so you can email it once you do have a partner.(Most scenes are gender neutral.  You can frequently swap a character’s gender without any detrimental consequences.)

3) Practice your established skills and develop new ones

If you are already familiar with The Rehearsal Room techniques then this is a simple way to expand them further.  IF YOU AREN’T FAMILIAR WITH THIS APPROACH USE YOUR OWN PROCESS AND SEE WHAT YOU LEARN.  Actors must be flexible, eh!!

4) You will rehearse in a ‘Breakout Room’ with your scene partner

The format is the standard approach to classes at The Rehearsal Room.  1) General discussion about acting theory  2) Actors move in pairs to ‘Breakout Rooms’ to work their scene (Richard can join you to offer advice.)  3) Rejoin the main group to play your scene and get feedback.

5) You can record your work

Zoom allows you to record your work so you can re-evaluate afterwards.

6) Enjoy a relaxed social environment

Enjoy the convivial atmosphere of these classes while you continue to explore the wondrous world of acting and KEEP EXERCISING YOU ACTING MUSCLES.  

6) Just keep on learning

You can make these sessions as challenging or relaxing as you like.  Actors who keep returning to The Rehearsal Room see there skills get better and better.


  • You have the foundations of The Rehearsal Room process in place and want to continue to build your skills
  • Gaining a basic understanding of this technique is your plan, this is a great way to do it
  • Fixing an acting problem is your goal – then discuss it in the session
  • Needing a stimulating way to freshening up your weekly routine is a requirement
  • Sharing your interest in acting with others of like mind gives you pleasure


  • You will miss out on the FUN
  • You could miss finding an acting buddy or a new friend
  • You may never know the way this approach could change your view of acting and increase your skills
  • You will miss sharing stimulating views on a topic you love
  • You will never find out how much your skill could grow from these powerful techniques


Richard finds every workshop provides the opportunity not only for actors to grow more but also for the collective understanding of technique to grow more. The exciting element of these classes is that they train actors to think in a productive way about the practicalities of acting. The discussions are stimulating, purposeful and highly productive. Richard is always on the look out for the new view that he will learn from the next class. Some thought you philosophize about today might well be an exciting basis for tomorrow’s class.Richard often says, “I get out of bed each day excited by the prospect of an unexpected new discovery.”

USE THESE EXCELLENT SESSIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE.Learn skills you will use throughout your career. Learn to be real, to be versatile, to be a great listener and to be skilled in auditions. ​AND … HAVE SOME FUN!!!

About the Author